Resumés and Cover Letters – You’re doing it all wrong!

Traditionally, resumés are where you crap out all of your experience onto 1 or 2 pages of 8 ½” x 11” processed tree parts. They are impersonal and just state your version of the truth. Hopefully they sway the reader to react like a miner who has panned a nugget in the 1860’s.

Traditionally, a cover letter is where the appeal is made stating why you should be picked and is often much more personable. The cover letter is you putting out your cupped hands and asking for more gruel like Oliver Twist, with heartfelt words intended to turn the darkest hiring hearts into rainbows, unicorns and sugar plumbs.

Traditionally, many traditions suck and much like iPhone screens they will eventually be broken. Time to kick tradition in the nuts.

Continue reading “Resumés and Cover Letters – You’re doing it all wrong!”

How to tell when an offer is coming…You must be a carpenter, because you nailed it!

The interview is over. You dazzled them, maybe they sang your praises in the interview, you sang Sweet Caroline in 3 part harmony together and swapped recipes. Your soon to be new BFF’s are going to be calling you with a job offer…maybe. Oh no, it’s 2 hours later. Now it’s the middle of the night and your inner self-hatred monkey is on your shoulder screaming all of the mistakes you made into your head and the reasons why you won’t get the job and you don’t deserve it. Emotion takes over, you don’t sleep, you work yourself into an anxiety and pour yourself a drink as you sit in the kitchen at 4:30 in the morning brooding over this pending offer and if it will come.

Continue reading “How to tell when an offer is coming…You must be a carpenter, because you nailed it!”

Finding Panko – The hidden job market

Oftentimes, my wife asks me to grab something out of the pantry as we do enjoy cooking together.  Cooking together is a great activity for couples that sometimes ends in the traditional spousal activity of arguing together.  We have a good system though – I have my realm in certain areas of the kitchen and she has hers on different nights.  Pretty much one person is in charge of cooking a meal and the other acts as sort of an assistant, on call.  But each person is to stay in their particular realm and not get in the others way; we have learned not to cross the streams, much like in Ghostbusters. Continue reading “Finding Panko – The hidden job market”

7 important rules for listing references. Are your ears burning yet?

I had a friend of a friend who had a crush on this one girl in Jr. High School.  We will call him Jerry.  Jerry was very shy and not the type to actively pursue girls, but he started crushing seriously hard on Jenny.  Now Jenny did not know Jerry too well, but lo and behold word got back to Jenny that Jerry had a thang for Jenny.  So, Jenny, not in the same social circles as Jerry wanted to find out what kind of dude Jerry was. Continue reading “7 important rules for listing references. Are your ears burning yet?”